Wednesday, May 19, 2010

we interrupt this broadcast...

i know i was in the middle of telling you about all the awesome gallivanting i've been doing, but i want to write a quick word about the unrest that is happening in thailand at the moment.  i'm in the middle of composing a more thorough and polished piece about my experiences/feelings/etc., but for now please know that i am safe and promise to be vigilant. it's unclear now what direction this is going in-- hopefully we are at a climax point and things will start to lose momentum soon, but because it is such a grassroots movement, it's extremely difficult to ascertain how much money, support and power the red shirts have.  i live deeeeeeep in red shirt country (as my colleagues joke, i'm constantly surrounded by red shirts, as the teachers whose desks are behind, in front of and next to mine support the cause), and i really just can't tell how far this will go.  but again, i'm being careful and looked after by fulbright and my school and do realize the gravity of the situation. more than anything right now, i feel truly devastated; it is tragic to watch a country i have come to love so much spiral into such dispair. so i ask you: please keep thailand in your thoughts, prayers and wishes; may it return to peace soon.

with love from and for thailand,

1 comment:

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